
It's not easy being green.

I am currently in Antigua in the Caribbean and it's pretty off the hook!

It took us several days to get here from Panama and I spent a lot of that time up-chucking over the side of the boat. Did you know that sea sickness is the new Atkins? During this time I had the Beatles song "Happiness is a Warm Gun" constantly running through my head and I developed a feverish love-hate relationship with Breton crackers.

Anyways I got over it and now am experiencing the spins on land, or perhaps it is just my hangover. Last night we went out for dinner to a Japanese restaurant. It was a lot like all you can eat Shabusan, if Shabusan had black waitstaff wearing graphic Ts and was actually a gazebo.

We are going to be in Antigua for at least another week. Our captain Paul is from here and is kinda a big deal so we might stay even longer to be a part of the boat show. Our owners actually want us to go to the Med right now, but unless we get a good weather window it just won't happen. As well our boat is up for sale and so literally everything is up in the air. but a 200 foot yacht is not something bought entirely on whim and so I'm not all that worried.

If there's one thing I've really learned from my time on the yacht so far (other than that a mixture of half water and half vinegar makes for a lovely hardwood shine) it's that owning a yacht is a bad idea. They cost a fotune to begin with and then you pay a fortune to upkeep the damn thing. But it sure is lovely having someone support my newfound lush lifestyle. I always did want to go to school on Breaker High...

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